Unlock your financial story and grow your business

Learn to run your business based on more than just intuition and emotion using Financial Storytelling: the easiest way to understand and grow your company.

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Understand Your Financial Story in 20 Minutes

Most businesses are run on intuition and emotion alone, leading many to failure. However, every business has financial data that can tell an informative story, enabling data-driven decision-making and massive growth.

The importance of your story.How to read your financial story.Predicting your financial future.

Do you feel stuck trying to
grow your business?

This free video series will help you understand how to use your Financial Story to get unstuck and grow a more profitable business.

Acquire skills to understand your business better

Learn how to create smart goals and predictions for the future

Find out how to confidently make decisions in your business

Discover how your financial story can change your business

get free access

Meet Your Instructor

Jeremy Millar, MBA
CEO of Amarlo

A creative entrepreneur from a young age, Jeremy founded Amarlo to bring a new edge to business owners.

Jeremy and his partner, Austin, have pioneered financial storytelling - a method of accounting focused on illustrating the underlying story that resides in every business. Through Amarlo, Jeremy has helped unlock hundreds of stories for small business owners. As a team, we put this free series together to bring confidence and clarity to entrepreneurs, ultimately helping them grow a more profitable business.

Photo of Jeremy Millar CEO of Amarlo, Inc.